Friday, December 11, 2009

The Green Flag Celebration Day

7th of December 2009, marked our much awaited Green Flag Celebration Day. Attended by parents, teachers, Heads of schools, Eko-skola coordinators, local council members and the students themselves this day was a truly special one for everyone who attended this event. At around half past eight all the students from Kinder to Year 6 classes, together with all those who were invited to this important event in the history of our little school, assembled in the foyer. The Year 4 class opened the event by singing "Heal the World" by the late Michael Jackson - a wonderful song with meaningful lyrics . The Year 6 followed with their song "Healthy Food."

We were then honoured with the eloquent speeches of Dr Paul Pace, National EkoSkola Coordinator,and Mr Vincent Attard, President of Nature Trust Malta who pointed out at our eko-skola members' resilient commitment to the environment. Next, certificates were awarded to those people who had helped or supported us in our Eko skola project - namely, the local Mayor Mr Valvo, Mr JP Micallef -ex-Head of school, and Mr S Borg - the Scout Leader. Their respective speeches all revolved on the authors of this success -the students who committed themselves to actively improve the quality of life in their school.

This was followed by tree-planting in our school yard. Olive trees, our national tree is-Sigra tal-Gharghar and other trees were planted by the kids in various selected areas in the yard. We concluded our ceremony with a fun walk which started off at Zonqor area and ended at our school. It was quite a long walk but the kids enjoyed themselves immensely.
Photos thanks to Mr. J.P. Micallef and Mrs Poggi.

1 comment:

  1. Life hija tajba Meta inti għandek dawk l-imħabba tiegħek madwar inti, I am qal dan meta i Minħabba li l-kwistjonijiet serp ma 'lover tiegħi u qatt ħajja meqjusa bħala ħaġa tajba, iżda grazzi għall Dr AGBAZARA ta AGBAZARA TEMPLE, għall tgħin me li jitfa jespliċitaw Li brought lover tiegħi lura lili Fi ħdan l-ispazju tal 48hours. Raġel tiegħi telqu lili għall-mara oħra wara 7years ta 'żwieġ, iżda Dr.AGBAZARA għinni mitfugħa jespliċitaw lilu li jinġiebu lura lili fi ħdan il-48hours. I am not se jgħidlek aktar dettalji dwar myself Pjuttost i se biss jagħtik parir dawk li qed ikollhom kwistjonijiet relazzjoni fil hemm jew dak Żwiġijiet Dr.AGBAZARA TEMPLE permezz dettalji ta 'kuntatt permezz proposition; ( jew
    LUCY mill-Istati Uniti.
