Sunday, February 21, 2010

Year 4 - Gemghat

Jekk taghfas fuq il-kelma 'gemghat' ghandek issib lista shiha ta' nomi kollettivi.


Loghba bin-Nomi Kollettivi

Monday, February 15, 2010

It-Tliet Biomi Ewlenin



Aghfas fuq l-istampa tas-sigra ta' hawn taht biex titghallem fuq id-dezerti, il-foresti u l-merghat tad-dinja.

Eko-friendly crafts 3: Making Robots out of old stuff

Last Friday the kids brought all their old stuff from home like buttons, toilet paper rolls, old cereal boxes, old pipes, used plastic lids, old rags. I asked them to create robots but left them free to design their robots their own way. This was their opportunity to set their imagination free. Some of the kids embraced this project with enthusiasm while others ended up crying in frustation because their robot seemed to have a mind of its own.